Le Terrain Vague
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 news de roger o donnel

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junior goth

Nombre de messages : 86
Date d'inscription : 01/05/2006

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MessageSujet: news de roger o donnel   news de roger o donnel EmptyLun 8 Mai à 8:48

roger donne de ces news :, je vous fait le copier coller, en tout cas même partie du groupe the cure, je l'adore !!!!! Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed :

Well it is finally here, my cd arrived today and will be released next week on the 16th. I have pressed 1000 in a limited edition that will only be available on my website and I wanted to give you all first chance. Most of you have been through every stage of this with me and the support everyone has given me has been incredible. It's almost a year to the day since I left the band and I never thought it would be such a difficult and frustrating process to release my own record but here we are. The press campaign that I have running has also been amazing and really encouraging, everyone seems to get it and understand what I am doing and you can't ask for more than that especially of the music press. I had my doubts inititally about wether I would play this album live but I did the WFMU radio show in New York and I really enjoyed it and made me see that I could do this. At least in a radio studio haha what it will be like on stage we will have to see but I will do my best and I promise it will be live, as live as I can make it and possibly with special guests along the way. So again thank you and if you would like one of the first 1000 I will sign it to you or however you want. There is a link to buy it on my website www.rogerodonnell.com and one on this email below. Finally welcome to all the new people that have joined thanks to Craig at COF. I will be performing a short set at Moogfest in New York on June 22nd and sharing the stage with one of my heroes, Jan Hammer which should be fun. I'd be very happy to see any of you there and hang out and have a drink or three after the show, I'm sure I'll need one ! I will also be attending NXNE which is a new music convention like SXSW but in Toronto. I will be speaking on the DIY music panel and i will also be a Mentor available for one on one sessions for advice hahah yeah right who's going to listen to me hahaha So, there are a couple of things going on behind the scenes right now that could be very big and change things in a whole other way but I can't talk about them right now , however you will be the first to know ok? love Roger
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